
Horeb Nursery and Primary School, started on 20th April 2017 on a hill nicknamed Horeb Hill. Elias was a Maize Farmer and a church leader who usually rented pieces of lands in Kasaba village. It had reached time when I realized that almost 80% of the natives had no education at all, not even Primary school. Only one local had a High School qualification, so their children were wandering around forests hunting and chasing monkeys out of their parents gardens (like scarecrows). This pained Elias and he decided to start the school and health fundraiser for the area under the project named Comfort Africa. At the time of Registration with Government, the name was not available so we were advised by Governnt of Uganda to change the legal name to Climax Support Foundation. 

Elias then moved from village to village, garden to forests calling for children and meeting their parents and guardians at Kings Church Kiizi-Kirungi village. He convinced the Church Committee to give him permission to operate a school on the church premises. 

The school started with 90 children studying for free with Elias as the main sponsor. He later sold his maize harvest and secured a loan to buy a piece of land (a quarter acre) at UGX12m (USD$3000). He then constructed a small makeshift structure with wood beams and grass thatched roof. 

To our amazement, one American lady tourist was passing near the school and was moved to donate USD$400. This injection help to bankroll the school upgrade from grass roof to iron sheets. 

Today the school has the enrollment of 315 with one permanent block donated by Ignite Life Church Australia worth UGX90m (USD$25000) and with 12 staff members all whose salary is topped up by Ignite Life Church inc; they also support some kids who default on school fees payments.

Director Elias with children outside Horeb

Director Elias standing with children at Horeb Nursery and Primary School

Directors standing at Horeb foundation stone

Directors standing at Horeb Foundation stone.