Climax Medical Centre is the flagship project of Climax Support Foundation that handles the health support system.

Our District: Kyenjojo District Local Government

The demographics of Kyenjojo District are as follows:

500,000 citizens in 100k families (mostly women-led).

5: Dependency ratio (people/HH)

31: Administrative units.

47 Health Centres in total.

800+ villages (LC1 - local council one ie, 100-150 households per village).

250km from Kampala Capital City.

220+ Civil society organisations.

2k+ faith centres or places of worship.

Uganda - Health Agenda 2040: UHC - Universal Health Care

Government of Uganda has a target of having a Health Centre IV per sub country. With over 6000 sub counties in Uganda, our dream of universal health care is at risk of failing as we approach United Nation’s Vision2030 health target.

A boy receives a wheelchair

"My first wheelchair" a boy with disability celebrates his new 'legs'